Most Fair Judge

Most Fair Judge
Limbaugh's Bo Snerdley

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Judges Gone

ACTIVIST JUDGES HAVE GONE WILD! We MUST stop activist courts from destroying America from within and forcing Americans do do without justice.

Americans, still stunned by the Obama administration's ongoing socialist makeover of their country, have for the most part focused their anger on the executive and legislative branches of government, witnessing firsthand how a rogue Marxist influenced president and radicalized power-mad Congress ply wanton destruction on what is STILL the freest, most prosperous nation on earth.
Despite the evil-doing of the Execttive and Legislative Branches, the branch of government very responsible for the "fundamental transformation of America" is neither the executive nor legislative. The most arrogant, unaccountable and transformational branch of government nowadays is the judiciary, not bound by the U.S. Constitution, has declared itself the supreme branch of government by making up law as it goes along.
Recent decades have seen ignomenious corruptions of law, foundational values and core institutions so hyper-radical that no president, no Congress, no governor or state legislature, would be want to implement them yet these egregious laws have been forced down Americans' throats by a rogue judiciary, producing what some call,"The stench from the bench (4).
Arbitrary irrational and unconstitutional judicial decisions are now ever-present. A California judge who overruled the will of millions of voters and single-handedly legalized same-sex marriage in that state later revealed he is a homosexual in a long-term affair which is a hemongus conflict of interest. (3)
Then the Ninth Circus ruled that schoolchildren can't say "under God" when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in California but CAN in Texas where Barry Lynn (on down the highway) , executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State who criticizes it as unneccesary and potentially harmful to children who don't share the same religious beliefs. Allegedly it might warp communist and/or athiestic peoples' children who can bring a note from home and opt out.

A Texas judge who threatened to throw students in jail for praying or even uttering words like "prayer" or "amen" at a graduation ceremony. (5) Then the Supreme Court's notorious 2005 Kelo decision allowing local governments literally to confiscate a citizen's property and award it to another party if that "taking" increased their tax revenues (6) which sparked a nation-wide backlash against eminent domain abuse, leading eight state supreme courts and 43 state legislatures to bolster and strengthen protections for property rights. Not only that but saving Susette Kelo's little pink house educated the public about eminent domain abuse, and polls consistently show that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to Kelo and veheminantly support efforts to change the law to better protect home and small business owners. And in the five years since the Kelo decision, citizen activists have soundly defeated 44 projects that sought to abuse eminent domain for private development.(7). Thanks be to GOD!
The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that invented the "constitutional right" to kill preborn children , 50 million and counting, when a childless couple sued to save a baby. (8)

For every high-profile case like these, there are a mant others such as that of the Vermont judge who would have taken a little girl away from her loving, Christian, biological mother and awarded full custody instead to the mother's one-time lesbian partner who reportedly gives the child nightmares are decisions that, over time, have degraded Americans' basic freedoms, faith, institutions and values.(9)It was reported that the mother had fled to South America since Mexico did not look like a friendly country after she fled there.

President Raegan's appointee Anthony Kennedy got through the Constitutional interview by looking superficially good. Kennedy was an intelligent man who had compiled a good record serving in the hostile, liberal environment of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, which is based in liberal enclave San Francisco. On the Left West Coast, Kennedy hadn’t drifted perceivably left, but in Washington, D.C., Kennedy did drift left when he wrote the Supreme Court’s June 27,2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas which decided that same-sex sodomy was a protected constitutional right. For "rationaile", Kennedy cited the European Court of Human Rights twisted view on the subject.
Justice Anthony Kennedy’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas (10)was a classic example of judicial activism. Kennedy started with the decision he desired, and then went looking for an excuse to justify it. A SCOTUS or Supreme Court of the US decision should be Constitutionally based not a European manufactured one. For the most part, no European judiciary follows the US Constitution why would we follow any of theirs.
Mark R. Levin advocates installing term limits on justices and defends that this is not a radical idea. Levin is convinced that it would help restore the balance the Constitution envisioned between the three branches of the federal government. With term limits, the Supreme Court would remain an independent body, but they would allow for the replacement of justices on a timely basis, rather than waiting for them to die or set their own retirement date. Levin says if justices are using their positions to set policy and, fundamentally, participate in the political process without the benefit of standing for election, there really is no reason for them to serve for life.

Levin holds that reforms such as giving Congress a veto over Supreme Court decisions to help restore the balance between the court and the legislature may offer Americans a solution. By requiring a two-thirds majority vote in both House and Senate to veto a decision, these vetoes would happen very seldom. Nevertheless, this veto would allow the people, through their elected branches, to have the final say. Levin cites the horrendous Kelo v. New London decision, which said local governments can seize private homes and turn them over to private developers for the purpose of raising the tax base,(6) which Lavin feels may have easily gotten the bicameral two-thirds needed for a veto. Should the Supreme Court misuse the 14th Amendment to create an imaginary right to same-sex marriage, that, too, might garner the two-thirds votes necessary for a congressional veto. (2)

"Reagan upheld the rule of law" by Edwin Meese III, in which the Reagan attorney general says Ronald Reagan, 40th POTUS, held that "originalism" was the only proper philosophy for a judge or saying something in the judge's own unimitatable style NOT originating a law which userpts Congress.(1)
"Jefferson's solution: States can nullify unconstitutional laws" by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
In 1820, "Thomas Jefferson said, 'To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.'